26 September 2007

Mampukah Peguam Malaysia Saingi Sami di Myanmar

Esok, perhimpunan akan terus.

Peringatan sekali lagi: Semua (terutamanya para peguam dari Majlis Peguam Malaysia) berkumpul di hadapan Palace of Justice, jam 11 pagi esok 26 September 2007.

Petikan dari blog Rocky's Bru:

>>> The buses will leave Dataran Merdeka at 9.30am tomorrow morning (Wed Sept 26) for Putrajaya. Please be there early.

>>> Save the Judiciary.
Hundreds of lawyers will walk from the Palace of Justice to the PM's Department at 11am tomorrow to press for changes in the Judiciary.

>>> While the DPM has just said the Government will set up an independent panel to investigate an incriminating video released by Anwar Ibrahim, the lawyers said it falls short of their demands for a Royal Commission and sweeping changes system-wide to revamp the Judiciary.

>>> So, see you for the march tomorrow. Black & White, and jacket, please, in solidarity with our lawyer bros and sis.

>>> Edmund Bon of the Bar Council has a message for you:

The walk tomorrow is a peaceful stroll to the PM's Office. Everything humanly possible is being done and has been done over the couple of days to ensure this. The Cabinet has been informed that we are doing this, and handing over a memorandum and a representative will be expecting us.

The walk is importantly (1) a show of solidarity of the Bar and civil society's positions on the issue (2) to send a message that we are serious about wanting a clean up of the Judiciary including by (3) calling for an independent appointments and promotion commission (4) calling for a royal commission to enquire into the recording and the state of the administration of justice in Malaysia.

A Star sms has been received about DPM announcing the establishment of a panel to investigate the authenticity of the clip. This does not change anything about the walk. We are still proceeding to walk because the issues we are advocating are not limited to the recording alone but with much larger issues as described above.

And would such a decision by the Govt for a panel be set up have been made without the continuous pressure from us and civil society which includes calling for this walk, more so after PM said there would be no royal commission?

Believe in the power we all have in making change, and believe in ourselves. We CANNOT be afraid to walk, we CANNOT look lowly on ourselves, we CANNOT give up our country to people who do not deserve to run it.


Warm regards

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